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Living Your Dream Life: The First Step is Knowing You’re Worthy with Tracie Root

Elaine Williams, Tracie Root Season 1 Episode 6

This is the teaser to the main event where Elaine and Tracie take a deep dive into the concept of "Worthy" and why so many people struggle with it.
As two heart centered, hustling fierce females who've been through a lot, share parts of their stories, laughing at the craziness of life, you will leave feeling uplifted and inspired to take action with the rest of your day!

Tracie Root is a dynamic speaker, coach, and bestselling author who transformed her life after personal tragedy. Following the loss of her partner to cancer and  facing the strain of solo parenting, she left corporate life to create a fulfilling entrepreneurial journey. With over a decade of experience, she empowers women to take BOLD action through her coaching, masterminds, and immersive retreats for women leaders. As founder of The Gather Community, she shifted to online events in 2020, fostering a thriving community of business leaders. Based in Santa Cruz, CA, Tracie lives with her husband, teens, and their dog.

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I am here, this is Captivate the Mic and I am here with the fabulous and beautiful and amazing Tracy Root. Tracy, I'm so glad you're here. I'm so glad I'm here too. I am I'm so proud of you for starting your podcast and I'm so honored to get to be one of your speakers. Yes. And you're one of the first, is one of them. Yes. Whatever. One of my podcast ease. I don't know. Whatever the term we should, we'll come up with our own term. Okay. Yeah. I mentioned your bio previous, Tracy, you've done so many cool things. You've been through a lot. As a young widow and mother of two, and you have reinvented yourself many times. And I would love for you to tell us, one of your stories about, your evolution, because this podcast is for, women who are up to big things. When you're up to big things, you bump up against things. So tell us. Yeah. I love that. Well, the big origin is that I, I grew up in Silicon Valley. I worked in corporate, I, had a husband and two kids, not 2. 5, just two. And that would be weird. And and unfortunately my husband, after my second child was born when he was one and a half and the older one was four, my first husband passed away from cancer. And I was, working, I was the breadwinner. I was working my job and the kids were getting dropped off in the morning and picked up in the evening. And I just knew that there had to be something different in life. And that's when I found coaching. I actually. Was, looking for a solution for myself to re enter society post grief fog. And found a way to start feeling better about myself and taking care of myself better and that came along with learning about what a health coach and a life coach could do for me. So as a result, I began coaching as well and really made some significant changes in my life. I left corporate, I became a coach full time. And a few years later, I started to really Try to figure out what I wanted my business to look like. I had just been plugging along with what had been given to me and was trying to decide what I wanted to actually create in this business. And I found a coach of my own cause talk to any coach, they've got a coach coaches need coaches. We all believe in the system, right? It's the way it and realized that what I wanted to create, I was feeling really hesitant about formulating the marketing and asking for money and asking for people to pay me to teach them these things that I had learned these last, say six, seven years of coaching already. And I realized my coach actually was okay, so if you're doing this, then you should charge this much money. And I was like, like that was made me so uncomfortable. I was just, how would people, why would people wanna pay me that kind of money? Why would people. Pay me at all really, because I had worked in like a network marketing system where I just got commissions and I just talked to people and I never had to talk about pricing. Cause I didn't set it, but once I was setting my own pricing, I had this real problem with identifying my own worth as it relates to dollars for my expertise, as soon as I realized that the worthiness piece was what I was having a problem with. Took a pen and I went to my wall next to me here, my window and on the window frame, I wrote, there's a lot of moms out there and be like, don't write on the walls. I wrote in my office, you are worthy of the dreams you dream. The world is waiting for you to show up today. And then we go and it's still there. And I look at it every day because the, especially the part about people waiting for us to show up. They're waiting for us to ask them to help move them forward. And the dreams that I had that would propel me moving forward were exactly the dreams I wanted them to believe in for themselves. So why am I holding myself back? So the dreams you are dreaming, the dreams I am dreaming, we are absolutely, the dreams wouldn't be in us. If we weren't worthy of having them, that's why they're there. So step into it and realize that the world's waiting for you to show up so you can go after that dream that's been put inside you for a reason. So that was a huge realization. It helped me to form my own confidence in creating my business. In building my community, the gather community, which, that's a whole other, We'll do another episode later, there is a follow on story to this whole worthiness thing. And that's every time you try to do something new. That is uncomfortable that you've never done before it. The same thing keeps showing up. It's that's why people stay in therapy for so long. You got to keep working through the things that you thought you healed from, but then it shows up again. Yes. So it's, it's true with everything. So last about a year ago, I knew I decided and I knew. That the way that my coaching business. So I have this community, and it's an online community, people around the country into Canada some places else in the world. And it's all online. And people kept asking me, are you going to do things in person And I said, I'm not for the gather community. But what could I do. Because we can do things in person again, of course, this is all post COVID and, but if it's not for that, what is it going to be? And I said to myself I did always want to do retreats, so maybe I should do a retreat. And I started thinking through it and I made some structure around, but there's a weekend, but then we'll do a program before it and follow on and all of this like big program with a capital P around this retreat. And it wasn't really what I intended. It just became this thing that like a monster, it just grew. And over time, and I had a couple of people sign up, but I was really struggling to get more attendees signed on to join us. And we were getting close to the starting of this program. And I realized that the problem was this. That it wasn't aligned with what I really wanted for my dream. I wanted to have a retreat. I didn't want to have a giant program that had a retreat in it. I wanted a retreat. And I know that, you have to do some before and after to get people oriented and all of that. What I needed was a retreat with a program that had a small P instead of a big P. Just a couple of calls beforehand, make sure everyone's ready, follow on call after to make sure everyone is good landing at home afterwards and remembers what they said while they were there instead of, six calls before six calls after in this giant year long thing. So I changed it. I said, you know what, we're going to change the retreat date from June to September. And I'm no longer going to have this many calls. It's going to be just these two dates before and this one date after. And for people who had signed up originally expecting this giant program, I gave them some bonuses for the cost difference of a big program versus a smaller program. I said, I'm going to upgrade your room and get this. And everyone was happy. They had longer to pay for it too. And all of a sudden my energy around how I talked about it completely changed because it now was aligned with what my dream looked like. And I immediately signed up three more people because I was no longer like fighting with myself internally about what is it that I'm trying to do. And what is it that I want to create for my business? Wow. And it just felt so, and it was amazing. And getting to that point where, now we have enough people I should say to have a viable retreat program. And now I was really careful to curate group that was there. To make sure that it was for them, right? That it was still in line with the dream of this event and the purpose and the mission and the promise that I had made to them, and it happened three weeks ago and it was amazing and so fun and so impactful and it just went great. And I'm thrilled and even going out of this. the next year, where I have a more substantial thing, for next year, it all, I keep going back to where does it feel right? Where does it mean that the dream is aligned with the structure and the structure is aligned with. What I'm trying to create as opposed to what I think it's supposed to be. And that was learning. Oh, I love it. Thank you, Tracy. That's so great. I think that's something I know I have struggled with is being uncomfortable out of my comfort zone that there's that. And then sometimes I think, Oh, I don't want to do this. And it's just because I'm uncomfortable. But sometimes I have pushed and forced things. So it's like there's a right. You have to there's a line, right? There's a like, why? Why am I uncomfortable? Comfortable because I don't feel worthy. Am I uncomfortable because it's more money than I've ever charged? Or am I uncomfortable because something's out of alignment? And it's totally two different things. Yeah. Yeah. Recognize that you're out of, like you're out of alignment because you're doing things that aren't congruent with your values. That's a whole different thing than saying I've never charged this much. Why would people pay me? But if you have the personal value that you are great and you have confidence and and you work through that, then The hesitation around things like money or asking people for a certain amount of time or to travel, right? Those go away because it's not our job to decide for them whether they can afford it or whether they can get a flight or whatever the obstacles might be for them that we're anticipating and therefore thinking that they're not going to want to do it because of that. And it's a lot of times it's our projections onto them. I love that theme that worthiness and yes, you were worthy to charge and you provided and you delivered and everybody signed up for your next thing. And it's, yeah, so exciting. So exciting. And I'm super grateful because the role of a coach is to believe in you until you believe in yourself in a lot of situations. Right? And so my coach pushed me through that and I do believe in myself now because now I've done it, but she saw it before I did. And now I see it for all of our retreat attendees and what they're planning to do next. I'm just like of course you're going to do that. That's amazing. And it's perfectly suited for you and your people are going to be loving it. And that's what I love to be able to do with everyone that I get to be connected with, like yourself and, people who are coming to mind that when all of a sudden things like, Ooh, I'm going to do this. It just feels like this is what I'm supposed to be doing feels right. then it's gonna flourish and be amazing and I can't wait for it. I love it. I love it. Tracy. That was beautiful. Okay. I loved your storytelling. I loved your vulnerability. I was with you in that, in the struggle in the beginning and the fogginess of the grief. That's a beautiful phrase. And then the sort of your evolution I could see that partially, and then I could see. Like alignment, I think you could even add next time you tell this maybe, or some other, your performer, right? Yeah. All of a sudden, we can, we have these beautiful bodies and hands and and sometimes we don't use them all that way. Thank you for saying that because I have built most of my speaking here on zoom. And of course now things are back in the world and I do some in person stuff and I do have a hard time taking up the space. Yeah, I'm six feet tall so I naturally take up space anyway, but to reach my arms out, but right now they're off screen right so why would I do that. So much of what I do is right here. Yeah. And so when I'm in person, I forget. So thank you for that really great reminder. That's great. And that's a great of if you get a chance to go in the room and take up space and remind yourself, Oh, I'm not on camera. This is different. It's sometimes if I've been doing comedy and then switching over to speaking, sometimes I have to be It's okay. They're not laughing. This is, you're not doing comedy right now, because sometimes I think, Oh my God, they're really listening. And it's Oh, that's good. It's funny, you're right. I am a performer. And I remember, I think it was in February when we were in San Diego, and we drove past This big like bandshell thing. We were on the trolleys. And we drove around this bandshell that was, and there's like a whole grass park thing. Do you remember going past that? Yep. And I remember saying to the gals in my trolley going, can we stop? I just wanna go walk up there.'cause I wanted to get up on that stage and stand there like this. Cause that was such a cool stage and the whole, like imagining the audience, I really wanted to get up there. And so to remember that feeling when I'm in a room networking with 30 women and desire to be as bold as possible. Yeah. And it's just like that Marianne Williamson, when you take a space and give yourself permission to shine, you're doing that for other people too. 100%. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Love it. Love it. So yeah, I'm just going to, I'm going to encourage you to play more. And then one other tiny thing, Tracy is, I know you can be more resonant and I know it's the end of the day. You've probably been talking all day long. You may be having allergies, sometimes we can get a little raspy and so I'm going to encourage you to keep playing. Playing with your, that also you were talking earlier about like the caffeine and like the things that sabotage you that you don't think about until you recognize that's actually what's causing the problem. And you're right. I have been talking all day. Do I have warm water here with me? No. What did I drink a diet Coke? Because I just needed that pep exactly like you were saying, I wanted a little pep, a little flavor. And my water is empty. Cause I drank it all. Yeah. Just tiny tweaks, but that was beautiful. I love the story. I love the vulnerability. And that's a really powerful message that I needed to hear. I'm cracking up because this podcast, I'm making it, to help other people, but these interviews have been helping me so much. And I'm like, laughing at God okay. I had an interview earlier and her story was, I was I needed to hear that today. And I feel like I needed to hear that today about owning my worth. Aren't we so lucky to be able to be in a community like this where we get those messages all the time? Yeah. Yes. And, in closing, I got to be on this yoga retreat in Costa Rica and I was with two women. I know really well. And one woman who was new and she was blown away and how generous and supportive we were of each other. And she said, I kept waiting for the cattiness and I, really felt for her. And I feel like we lifted her up by the end of the trip. And I just want, I want that for everybody. To, have that experience of being lifted up and lifting up others. And it doesn't have to be just women, so thank you so much, Tracy. So if people want to know more about you and your fabulous things, what is the one place you should send them? You can send them to. Yeah. The best place to go is what I call my links page, because what, if we've got things going on, or if you just want to find me on socials, it's all there. It's Tracy root. com slash links. Tracy root. com slash links. I love that. I want to do that. Thank you so much, Tracy. I love you. I miss you. You're just amazing and I can't wait to go on your retreat someday soon. Okay. Bye everybody. Thanks for tuning in. Please share this, subscribe, rate and review and pass this on to somebody who needs to hear it. Okay. Take care. Bye.